Things to Remember

Remember to let us know when you have finished building your site. As soon as you do we will update your screen shot for the client directory. Please notify us of any updates you make to your homepage in the future so we can keep the directory up to date.

Send us a short description of your site and a testimonial about our services to have them included in our client directory, as well.

Send us your 468x60 banner. I will list it in our advertising system and it will be displayed in several locations at no charge.

The blog is really important. That is where information will be posted in case of downtime or emergencies. Make sure to keep an eye on it. We also have a hosting giveaway on the blog every month. You simply need to keep an eye out for the post and leave a comment to be entered. Find the blog at

Post your link on for free! When you get to the PayPal page just click the home button and you are done! It may take up to two business days for your submission to be approved. One approved you'll receive an email with more information.

If you write a small business tutorial or article and allow us to post it on our blog, you will receive a free month of hosting. You will also receive full credit for your article and a link to your site in the article.

If you have suggestions for things you would like to see in the Client Resource Area or in any other aspect of our business just email us and we will see what we can do.

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