Download Manuali, programmi e altri file
La sezione downloads contiene tutti i manuali, programmi ed altri tool per amministrare il tuo sito.
Downloadable-Products Video Tutorial
This is a breif tutorial outlining the setup of downloadle products.
Dimensione file: 13.6 MB Image Resizer
Unzip this file and install the enclosed program. Use it to resize the images for your store. We suggest you resize the images to 400 pixels on the shortest side.
Dimensione file: 3.26 MB Product Attribute Video Tutorial
This is a brief tutorial outlining the setup of product attributes for your store.
Dimensione file: Non disponibile
This is a breif tutorial outlining the setup of downloadle products.
Dimensione file: 13.6 MB Image Resizer
Unzip this file and install the enclosed program. Use it to resize the images for your store. We suggest you resize the images to 400 pixels on the shortest side.
Dimensione file: 3.26 MB Product Attribute Video Tutorial
This is a brief tutorial outlining the setup of product attributes for your store.
Dimensione file: Non disponibile